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Topic: Web Performance

Web Performance is the optimization of a website or web application to ensure it loads and functions quickly, improving the user experience.

More on: Web Performance

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of web performance, including techniques for building and distributing high-performance Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), strategies for improving data loading and networking performance, and methods for addressing common issues like layout shifts and overflow.

For example, the episode 'Building and Distributing PWAs: Tools, Techniques, and Insights - JSJ 638' discusses the benefits of PWAs and how to optimize them for mobile, while 'High-Performance Networking: Key Resources and Tools for Web Developers - JSJ 637' delves into the complexities of web networking and performance analysis tools.

The CSS Podcast episodes also cover various performance-related topics, such as 'Why do I have layout shift?', which focuses on the Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) web vital, and 'Why is it overflowing?', which addresses overflow issues that can impact performance.

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