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Topic: Weight loss surgery

Weight loss surgery is a medical procedure that can help individuals with severe obesity achieve significant and sustained weight loss by reducing the size of the stomach or rerouting the digestive system.

More on: Weight loss surgery

The podcast episodes provided explore the topic of weight loss surgery from various perspectives, including the potential benefits and risks, as well as the personal experiences and decision-making processes of individuals considering or undergoing these procedures.

For example, the episode S1 E4: Decision extensively discusses weight loss surgery, its nuances, and the experiences of individuals who have undergone such procedures. Similarly, the episode S1 E2: A Shame Spiral touches on the impacts of weight loss surgery on an individual's self-perception and behavior.

The episodes also address the broader context of the obesity epidemic, the societal attitudes surrounding weight, and the need for a more comprehensive approach to addressing the complex issue of weight and health.

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