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Topic: Wildlife rehabilitation

Wildlife rehabilitation is the care and treatment of injured, orphaned, or displaced wild animals with the goal of returning them to their natural habitats.

More on: Wildlife rehabilitation

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of wildlife rehabilitation, including the challenges and rewards of caring for animals in need.

In Gesture of a Lifetime: Manatee Researcher Jamal Galves On How Before He Started Saving Manatees They Saved Him, the episode explores the work of Jamal Galves, a marine biologist who rescues and rehabilitates Antillean manatees in Belize.

The episode Kendra Coulter, "Defending Animals: Finding Hope on the Front Lines of Animal Protection" (MIT Press, 2023) delves into the broader world of animal protection, including the work of wildlife rehabilitators and conservationists.

Finally, Little Rascals (Episode 13) focuses on the rehabilitation of injured or orphaned squirrels, highlighting the efforts of wildlife rehabilitator Devin Blackburn.

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