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Topic: Wildlife Trafficking

Wildlife trafficking is a multi-billion dollar global industry that drives many species towards extinction, disrupts ecosystems, and funds other organized crime.

More on: Wildlife Trafficking

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of the global issue of wildlife trafficking, including the illegal trade of animals like turtles, pangolins, rhinos, and elephants for the pet trade, bushmeat, and other purposes.

For example, the episode 'Illegal Wildlife Trade Is Booming. What Does That Mean For The Confiscated Animals?' examines the challenges authorities face in caring for live animals seized from the wildlife trafficking trade, while 'Deep dive: Illegal bushmeat trade' looks at the cultural and public health dimensions of the illegal bushmeat trade from Africa to Europe.

The episodes also highlight the efforts of groups like the all-female Black Mambas anti-poaching unit in 'The Black Mambas: Women Saving Rhinos and Elephants from Extinction' and discuss how researchers are using forensic science to combat the pangolin trade in 'Science's Breakthrough of the Year, and tracing poached pangolins'.

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