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Topic: Women in Conservation

Women in conservation are leading the charge to protect endangered species and ecosystems, as exemplified by the all-female Black Mamba ranger group and the pioneering work of conservationists like Dr. Jane Goodall.

More on: Women in Conservation

The podcast episodes highlight the inspiring work of all-female conservation groups like the Black Mambas, who are protecting rhinos and elephants from poaching through unarmed patrols, community education, and challenging gender norms in the field.

These episodes showcase the importance of including more women in conservation efforts and recognizing their deep knowledge and connection to nature, as exemplified by the stories of Chikani Nungmhalo from the Black Mambas episode and Azzedine Downes' discussion with Jane Goodall in the episode.

The podcasts emphasize the need for a new definition of success that prioritizes the health of the planet and all living beings, and the power of individual actions and ethical choices to create a better world.

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