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Topic: Women in tech

Women in tech face unique challenges and barriers, but are making strides in entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation.

More on: Women in tech

The podcast episodes provided highlight various aspects of the women in tech experience, from the struggles of fundraising as a female founder Sliding into Diem to the personal journeys and advice of successful women leaders in technology Bending the universe in your favor and Flexibility in Tech with Juniper Network's Sharon Mandell.

The episodes also touch on broader issues impacting women in the industry, such as the underrepresentation of women in computer science Melinda French Gates and the need to close the funding gap for women-led startups Talking Shop with Medha Agarwal and Amy Yin of Early Stage Firm Defy.

Overall, these episodes emphasize the importance of empowering women, fostering inclusive work cultures, and providing mentorship and support to help women thrive in the tech sector.

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