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Topic: Worker rights and protections

Worker rights and protections refer to the legal and regulatory measures that safeguard the well-being, compensation, and treatment of employees in the workplace.

More on: Worker rights and protections

The podcast episodes 'What Roles Should Government Play in AI?' and 'Sleepless in the Gig Economy' both explore the importance of worker rights and protections, particularly in the context of technological disruptions and the rise of the gig economy.

The first episode What Roles Should Government Play in AI? discusses the need for policies and measures to protect workers' interests and earnings as AI disrupts various industries. The second episode Sleepless in the Gig Economy examines the challenges faced by gig workers and the lack of rights and protections in this type of work, highlighting the need for solutions to address the precarious nature of gig employment.

These episodes underline the significance of ensuring that workers' rights and well-being are safeguarded amidst the rapid technological and economic changes transforming the modern workforce.

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