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Topic: Workforce development

Workforce development encompasses strategies and initiatives that equip individuals with the skills, training, and opportunities needed to succeed in the evolving job market and drive economic growth.

More on: Workforce development

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of workforce development, including efforts to address skill gaps, provide training and career pathways, and align education with industry demands.

Several episodes highlight workforce development initiatives in specific sectors, such as manufacturing, clean energy, and healthcare. For example, the episode 88. Addis Goldman & Brady Helwig, Special Competitive Studies Project - National Action Plan for Advanced Manufacturing discusses a plan to boost America's competitiveness in advanced manufacturing, with a focus on addressing workforce challenges.

Other episodes explore the role of government policies, public-private partnerships, and innovative education models in developing the workforce of the future. For instance, the episode Euan Blair on workforce development: College is broken. Apprenticeships deliver. advocates for expanding apprenticeship programs as an alternative to traditional college education.

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