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Topic: Workplace diversity and inclusion

Workplace diversity and inclusion is the practice of creating an equitable and welcoming work environment that values and empowers people of all backgrounds, identities, and experiences.

More on: Workplace diversity and inclusion

The topic of 'Workplace diversity and inclusion' is strongly reflected in the two podcast episodes provided.

The first episode, E158: Fireside Chat: Jennifer Joins Moody's for their Women Empowerment Series, explores strategies and imperatives for creating truly inclusive organizational cultures, including the 'iceberg' metaphor of hidden identities at work, the need for greater authenticity and belonging, and advocating for marginalized groups through mentorship and sponsorship.

The second episode, Episode 187 - Lovestrike, delves into the importance of diverse and inclusive workplaces, particularly in the male-dominated video game industry, and the significance of marginalized voices asserting their narratives and experiences to secure better pay and working conditions.

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