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Topic: Workplace Wellness

Workplace Wellness focuses on promoting healthy habits, practices, and environments to support employee well-being and productivity.

More on: Workplace Wellness

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of workplace wellness, including the science behind stress and recovery, the impact of technology use on breathing and overall health, and the systemic factors contributing to employee burnout.

For example, the episode "Understanding Heart Rate Variability: The Science Behind Stress and Recovery" delves into the relationship between heart rate variability, the autonomic nervous system, and stress, providing insights into how monitoring and improving HRV can lead to better cardiovascular health and stress resilience.

The episode "Body Electric: Type, tap, scroll, BREATHE! How our tech use impacts our breath" examines the phenomenon of 'screen apnea' and the importance of proper breathing habits, especially for those engaged in prolonged screen-based work, and offers practical strategies to counter the negative effects.

Additionally, the episode "You Can't Fix Burnout With Self-Care" emphasizes the need to recognize burnout as a systemic issue stemming from the way work is organized, rather than an individual problem that can be solved through self-care alone, highlighting the importance of addressing workplace culture and work organization to effectively promote employee well-being.

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