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Topic: Worship

Worship is the reverent honor and adoration given to God, expressed through various means such as prayer, sacrifice, and obedience.

More on: Worship

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of worship, including the importance of avoiding idolatry and giving God true worship, the veneration of relics and saints, the role of worship in spiritual growth and renewal, and the use of spiritual gifts and talents for the purpose of worship.

For example, episode S3 EP13. What Is An Idol? discusses the concept of idols and how to identify and remove them from one's life, while episode What is the deal with relics? | Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. situates the Catholic practice of venerating relics within the broader context of worship and honoring both God and His creation.

Other episodes, such as S3 EP10. I Want To Be On Fire and Day 164: Tearing Down Idols (2024), emphasize the importance of worshiping God unashamedly and wholeheartedly, as opposed to false or convenient forms of worship.

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