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Topic: Xenophobia

Xenophobia is an irrational fear, hatred, or distrust of people from other countries or cultures.

More on: Xenophobia

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of xenophobia, including its role in the TikTok ban controversy, its connection to anti-immigrant sentiment and racism, and how it manifests in different cultural contexts.

For example, episode From The New Yorker Radio Hour: The TikTok Ban Is "Rooted in Hypocrisy" with Katie Drummond explores how xenophobia may have influenced the TikTok ban, with a Senator questioning the Singaporean CEO about ties to China. Episode This Conspiracy Soup Contains Bugs - And Racism delves into the xenophobic undertones of a conspiracy theory rejecting insect consumption as a "foreign" cultural practice.

The episodes also highlight how xenophobia intersects with other social issues, such as gender-based violence, as seen in the Episode 04: The Story of Letsema which discusses how a community effort in South Africa addressed xenophobic attitudes and their gendered implications.

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