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Topic: Adulthood

Adulthood represents a significant transition in one's life, marked by increased responsibilities, personal growth, and the challenge of finding a balance between work, relationships, and personal fulfillment.

More on: Adulthood

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of adulthood, from the illusion of feeling like a true adult to the markers of maturity that society associates with this life stage.

Several episodes, such as 116: GKBarry Calls Out Girlfriend's Trolls, Love Island RANT & Meeting Elon Musk! and Childhood Vs. Adulthood..., delve into the contrasting experiences, responsibilities, and perspectives of adulthood versus childhood, highlighting the pros and cons of each.

Other episodes, like Peter Ho Davies on Ben Lerner's 10:04 and Episode 4: Time Is On Our Side? Money, Having kids, Marriage, different timelines, examine how the choice of parenthood and other major life decisions have become key cultural markers of reaching adult maturity in contemporary society.

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