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Topic: AI image generation

AI image generation is the process of using machine learning models to create, manipulate, and generate new images from textual descriptions or other input data.

More on: AI image generation

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of AI image generation, including recent controversies, advancements, and the broader implications of this technology.

Several episodes discuss the issues surrounding the use of AI image generators, such as the controversies around Google's Gemini model and its inability to accurately depict certain ethnicities AI celebrity nudes for sale online, #157 - Gemini controversy, new Mistral models, Deepmind's Genie & Griffinn, AI Warfare is here, After Seeing OpenAI's Sora, Tyler Perry Cancelled Building an $800m Studio, and Spy satellites are watching you.

Other episodes focus on the technical advancements in AI image generation, including discussions on models like Stable Diffusion and Midjourney After Seeing OpenAI's Sora, Tyler Perry Cancelled Building an $800m Studio, The Pixel Revolution Part 2 with Suhail Doshi, Founder of Playground AI, The AI-First Graphics Editor - with Suhail Doshi of Playground AI, and GPT-Engineer Launches App as Text-to-Code Platforms On the Rise.

The episodes also explore the broader implications of AI image generation, such as its potential impact on the entertainment industry, privacy concerns, and the need for responsible development and regulation of these technologies The Taylor Swift Deepfake Saga, Why Nvidia's Earnings Show AI is Still Just Beginning, and Ep. 424: Oh What a Crazy Year 2023 Was - and more.

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