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Topic: Alcohol Intoxication

Alcohol intoxication is a state of physiological and cognitive impairment caused by the consumption of alcohol, which can have significant effects on the body and brain.

More on: Alcohol Intoxication

The podcast episodes explore the effects of alcohol intoxication on mice and the potential of the hormone fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) to mitigate these effects.

In the episodes 'From Drunken Stupor to Sober with One (Hormone) Shot' and 'From Drunken Stupor to Sober with One (Hormone) Shot', researchers found that FGF21 plays a crucial role in helping mice sober up from alcohol intoxication, suggesting potential therapeutic applications.

The episodes discuss how FGF21 levels spike after alcohol consumption, indicating a natural mechanism to limit intoxication, and how injecting FGF21 into drunk mice can help them regain coordination and consciousness faster.

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