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Topic: AlphaFold

AlphaFold is a groundbreaking artificial intelligence model developed by Google DeepMind that can accurately predict the 3D structures of proteins, accelerating scientific discovery in biology and medicine.

More on: AlphaFold

The podcast episodes discuss how AlphaFold, including its latest iterations AlphaFold2 and AlphaFold3, have transformed our understanding of protein science and its potential impact on fields like medicine, sustainability, and technology.

The episodes highlight how this AI-powered technology can accurately predict the 3D structures of proteins, which is a critical step in unraveling the secrets of biology and addressing major challenges in various domains. "How AI Is Cracking The Biology Code" and "How AI is unlocking the secrets of nature and the universe | Demis Hassabis" provide in-depth insights into the capabilities and significance of AlphaFold.

These episodes explore the transformative potential of AlphaFold, from accelerating drug discovery to enabling the design of novel proteins for sustainable solutions, and the importance of collaboration in ensuring the safe and responsible development of advanced AI systems as we approach artificial general intelligence (AGI).

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