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Topic: Protein structure prediction

Protein structure prediction is the process of using computational methods to determine the three-dimensional structure of proteins from their amino acid sequence.

More on: Protein structure prediction

The podcast episodes discuss how AI, particularly the AlphaFold model developed by Google's DeepMind, has made significant breakthroughs in predicting the 3D structures of proteins, a fundamental challenge in biology that has implications across various fields.

These episodes highlight how the accurate prediction of protein structures enabled by AI can aid in drug discovery, personalized medicine, and the design of novel proteins for sustainable applications. The open-sourcing of the AlphaFold database has also democratized access to this valuable data, enabling researchers around the world to leverage it for scientific progress.

The episodes also explore the cultural shifts and the confluence of factors, such as advances in machine learning, data availability, and computational power, that have enabled AI to tackle complex scientific problems and augment human capabilities in domains like protein science.

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