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Topic: Anti-aging

Anti-aging is the pursuit of scientific and technological solutions to delay, prevent, or reverse the aging process and its associated health issues.

More on: Anti-aging

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of the anti-aging field, including advancements in gene therapy, peptide therapy, and lifestyle approaches to slow the aging process.

For example, the episode 'Bryan Johnson says he's aging in reverse' discusses Johnson's ambitious efforts to biologically reverse his age through an extreme regimen of gene therapy, strict diet, and lifestyle changes.

Another episode, 'The Shocking Truth About Microplastics, EMFs, and Infrared Saunas', explores how environmental toxins and radiation may contribute to aging and chronic illness, and how holistic therapies like infrared saunas can support detoxification and cellular health.

Overall, the podcasts highlight the growing interest and investment in anti-aging research and technologies, as well as the potential benefits and risks associated with various interventions.

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