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Topic: Anti-semitism

Anti-Semitism refers to prejudice, discrimination, or hostility against Jewish people, their culture, and their religion.

More on: Anti-semitism

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of topics related to anti-Semitism, from its historical roots and manifestations to its modern-day resurgence, particularly in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and on college campuses.

Several episodes, such as Historical Documents of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO): A Collab between Guerrilla History and Iskra Books, Hitler's Olympics Part 2: Pangloss, Polonius, Prufrock, and Hitler's Olympics Part 1: The Blue-Eyed Tornado, examine the historical context of anti-Semitism and its impact on Jewish communities.

Other episodes, like How Many Terrorists Are Currently in America?, PREVIEW: #ANTISEMITISM: #POTUS, and Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?, focus on the recent resurgence of anti-Semitism, particularly in the form of attacks on Jewish communities and the perceived growth of anti-Semitic rhetoric and ideologies in the United States.

The episodes also explore the complexities of defining and addressing anti-Semitism, as well as the debates around the relationship between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, as seen in episodes like Munk Dialogue with Douglas Murray, Natasha Hausdorff, Mehdi Hasan and Gideon Levy: Looking ahead to the Munk Debate on Anti-Zionism and Be it Resolved, campus protesters are on the right side of history.

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