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Topic: Antinatalism

Antinatalism is the belief that it is morally wrong to bring new sentient beings into existence, and that the ethical choice is to avoid procreation.

More on: Antinatalism

The podcast episodes discuss the rise of antinatalism, a philosophical movement that considers having children to be unethical and advocates for the cessation of human reproduction, even the extinction of the human species.

Several episodes, such as Episode 90: Anti-Natalism and Scientists Prove Anti-Natalists are Narcissistic Psychopaths, explore the arguments for and against antinatalism, examining its environmental, feminist, and socialist implications.

The hosts of these podcasts generally seem to view antinatalism as a concerning trend, arguing that it stems from narcissism and an inability to consider perspectives outside of one's own. They position antinatalism as the philosophical opposite of pronatalism, which advocates for higher birth rates.

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