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Topic: Arson

Arson is the criminal act of deliberately and maliciously setting fire to property, often for personal or financial gain.

More on: Arson

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of arson-related crimes, from insurance fraud to revenge-motivated attacks and attempts to cover up other violent acts.

For example, the episode '#493 - Burning Your BFF - Horn Lake, Mississippi' discusses a case where a woman hired someone to set a fatal fire to collect life insurance money, while 'Burning Ambition' revolves around a police officer who set fire to his own home for insurance fraud.

Other episodes, such as '327: Case 280: The Stockton Arsonist' and '#276: Angry Korean Son "Casually" Kills 6 People After Fight With Mom & Got Away With It', focus on arson committed by troubled individuals, often with tragic consequences.

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