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Topic: Art and Philosophy

Art and Philosophy examine the human condition, exploring existential questions through creative expression and intellectual discourse.

More on: Art and Philosophy

The podcast episodes provided explore the intersection of art, philosophy, and existential themes, suggesting that artistic expression can serve as a vehicle for grappling with life's deepest questions.

In the first episode, Dr. BJ Miller discusses the role of art and philosophy in his personal journey and in addressing existential questions, highlighting the value of integrating diverse disciplines to address existential suffering. #738: Dr. Gabor Maté and BJ Miller, MD

The second episode features a detailed analysis of Andrei Tarkovsky's 1979 film 'Stalker', exploring its philosophical themes, symbolism, and critiques of modernity, ultimately suggesting that Tarkovsky advocates for embracing humility and faith in the face of life's ambiguities. "Stalker" by Andrei Tarkovsky: Modernity and The Sickness Unto Death

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