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Topic: Symbolism

Symbolism is the use of symbols, images, or objects to represent ideas, emotions, or concepts in art, literature, and other forms of expression.

More on: Symbolism

Symbolism is a prominent theme throughout the podcast episodes, with numerous examples of how symbolic elements are used to enhance storytelling, convey thematic meanings, and deepen audience understanding.

The episodes explore the symbolic significance of a wide range of elements, from physical objects like the burning mill in House of the Dragon S2E03 Q&A livestream, to conceptual ideas like the Wendigo in The Wendigo | Red Thread, to the narrative symbolism of the Ark of the Covenant in Day 125: Covenant with David (2024).

Across genres and subject matter, the podcasts demonstrate how symbolism can be a powerful tool for connecting the surface-level narrative with deeper themes, cultural references, and personal or spiritual significance.

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