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Topic: Asking for help

Asking for help is a courageous act that can lead to deeper human connection and community support.

More on: Asking for help

The topic of 'asking for help' is central to the themes explored in the podcast episodes provided. In both episodes, the hosts discuss the personal difficulties and hesitations in reaching out to others, even close friends and family, for support and assistance.

In the episode of Stuff You Missed in History Class, the hosts share their shared struggles in asking for help with tasks like home maintenance and gardening. They contextualize this within a broader discussion of the 1941 Disney animators' strike and the career of Tyrus Wong, underscoring how the practice of asking for help can be challenging but transformative.

Similarly, in the episode of Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris, the guest Mia Birdsong explores how redefining American ideals of success and freedom around interdependence rather than rugged individualism can foster more meaningful connections and community. Birdsong emphasizes the difficult but important practice of being willing to ask one's community for support.

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