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Topic: Behavioral Change

Behavioral Change encompasses the science and techniques behind adopting new habits and overcoming unhealthy behaviors.

More on: Behavioral Change

The podcast episodes cover a range of topics related to Behavioral Change, including strategies for overcoming unhealthy habits, managing cravings and addictions, facilitating sustainable lifestyle changes, and leveraging technology and scientific insights to drive positive behavioral transformations.

For example, the episode 'If You Don't Follow Through on a Plan You're Going To Lose' discusses overcoming scarcity mindsets and instilling good money habits, while 'The Curious Science of Cravings' explores a mindfulness-based approach to managing cravings and addictions. The episode 'How to change habits, taking life off hold and mindful eating with Shahroo Izadi' focuses on Shahru Izadi's expertise in helping people make lasting lifestyle changes.

The episodes also touch on the importance of understanding the neurological and psychological factors that influence motivation, habits, and decision-making, as well as the role of technology, research, and collaboration in driving effective behavioral change.

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