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Topic: Behavioral experiments

Behavioral experiments are scientific studies that investigate human behavior and decision-making in controlled settings.

More on: Behavioral experiments

The podcast episodes provided discuss several behavioral experiments and their insights. The first episode, "From the Vault: The Minimal Group Paradigm", examines the minimal group paradigm experiments, which showed that even arbitrary divisions into groups were enough to trigger ingroup favoritism and discrimination against outgroups among participants distributing rewards, challenging previous theories about the origins of prejudice.

The second episode, "How economics can help you stick to your New Year's resolution", discusses how principles from behavioral economics, such as using financial incentives, commitment devices, and finding enjoyable activities, can help people successfully develop and maintain habits like exercising regularly or achieving other New Year's resolutions. The episode references real-world experiments conducted to empirically test different incentive structures and their effects, grounding the discussion in data.

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