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Topic: Biodiversity conservation

Biodiversity conservation encompasses efforts to protect and restore the variety of living species and their habitats to prevent further loss and promote a thriving, sustainable ecosystem.

More on: Biodiversity conservation

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to biodiversity conservation, including efforts to protect indigenous rights and knowledge, combat the illegal bushmeat trade, rediscover lost species, leverage technology and partnerships for ecosystem restoration, and mitigate the impacts of climate change on natural environments.

For example, the episode 'Indigenous Rights in the Energy Transition' discusses the need to respect Native American communities and their land management practices in the context of the energy transition, while 'Deep dive: Illegal bushmeat trade' examines the complex cultural and ecological dimensions of the unsustainable bushmeat trade in Africa. The episode 'The Shy Rodents Lost To Science' highlights efforts to rediscover endangered species and protect uncharismatic wildlife, and 'Sovereign Nature Initiative with Ale Mazzi' explores innovative approaches to biodiversity conservation using web3 technologies.

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