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Topic: Indigenous Rights

Indigenous rights refer to the inherent rights, freedoms, and interests of indigenous peoples, including their right to self-determination, cultural preservation, and control over their ancestral lands and resources.

More on: Indigenous Rights

The topic of 'Indigenous Rights' is central to many of the podcast episodes, which examine the struggles of indigenous communities around the world to assert their rights and protect their lands, cultures, and traditional ways of life.

Several episodes highlight how indigenous peoples have faced exploitation, dispossession, and violations of their rights by colonial powers, governments, and corporations, including the forced relocation of the Chagossian people Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise, the extraction of resources from indigenous lands in the Amazon Ep. 6 Murder, Mining, Machines: 5 Science & Tech Podcast Gems, and the impacts of conservation efforts that have excluded indigenous voices Countering Dispossession, Reclaiming Land: A Social Movement Ethnography.

The episodes also explore the efforts of indigenous communities to resist these encroachments, defend their rights, and seek justice, such as the Karipuna people's fight to protect the Amazon Who speaks for the trees?, the Navajo Nation's struggle to transition to renewable energy Changing Woman: One Navajo's Fight for a Just Transition, and the Mi'kmaq lobster fishermen asserting their treaty rights Bonus Episode: Consider the Lobstermen.

Across the episodes, the topic of indigenous rights is shown to be intrinsically linked to broader issues of environmental protection, social justice, and the need to respect traditional knowledge and practices.

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