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Topic: Borderline personality disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition characterized by intense emotions, difficulty regulating those emotions, and challenges in interpersonal relationships.

More on: Borderline personality disorder

The podcast episodes demonstrate the significant impact of borderline personality disorder on communication, relationships, and personal growth.

In Episode 52112, the hosts discuss how borderline personality disorder and abandonment issues can contribute to communication challenges, emphasizing the importance of using specific techniques like 'I' statements, positive affirmations, and physical touch to create a safe environment for resolving conflicts.

The hosts further explore their own experiences with borderline personality disorder and its effects on their relationship in Episode 52286.

The Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast episode provides an in-depth look at mentalization-based therapy (MBT), a specialized treatment approach developed specifically for borderline personality disorder, highlighting the importance of reflective functioning and restoring mentalizing capacity.

Finally, the Modern Love episode, while not explicitly stated, demonstrates behaviors and relationship patterns that are often associated with borderline personality disorder, such as fearing abandonment and the need for distance, before the protagonist's epiphany and subsequent ability to engage in a healthy, loving relationship.

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