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Topic: Brain development

Brain development is a complex and dynamic process that shapes the structure and function of the human brain from conception through adolescence and adulthood.

More on: Brain development

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of brain development, from early childhood to adolescence and adulthood.

Many episodes explore how factors such as genetics, environment, lifestyle, and technology can influence brain growth and function. For example, episodes Crafting an Elite Identity, How Cannabis Use Affects ADHD Symptoms, and How Social Media Hurts Youth Mental Health discuss the impacts of personal identity, substance use, and social media on brain development.

Other episodes delve deeper into specific neurodevelopmental conditions, such as How Autism Can Look Very Different and The Link Between ADHD & Obesity, highlighting the complex interplay between genetics, environment, and brain function.

The episodes also cover broader topics related to brain health, including Psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen On All Things Brain Health and Why babies forget, and how fear lingers in the brain.

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