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Topic: Brand building

Brand building is the process of developing and promoting a unique identity, story, and reputation for a product, service, or company to create a lasting connection with customers.

More on: Brand building

The podcast episodes explore various strategies and approaches to effective brand building, highlighting how successful entrepreneurs and businesses have leveraged branding to drive growth, create customer loyalty, and establish a lasting impact.

Examples of relevant episodes include How This Founder Took a Juice Shop & Turned It Into a Wellness Empire Without a Business Plan - Amanda Chantal Bacon, Founder of Moon Juice, which discusses the importance of brand authenticity and storytelling, and Mickey Drexler & The Art of the Merchant, which delves into the art of brand positioning and creating desire in consumers.

Other standout episodes touch on the role of branding in driving innovation and differentiation, such as Charlie Hanna -- Marcy Venture Partners, which examines how celebrities like Jay-Z leverage their personal brands to support and grow consumer brands.

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