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Topic: Brand Marketing

Brand Marketing is the strategic use of advertising, promotions, and other marketing techniques to build awareness, loyalty, and equity for a company's products or services.

More on: Brand Marketing

The podcast episodes discuss various aspects of brand marketing, including successful branding strategies, the use of nostalgia and product demonstrations, the importance of organic social media marketing, and the impact of brand partnerships and collaborations.

For example, the episode 'Brand Envy 2024' explores the marketing tactics of iconic brands like a Canadian board game company and an ice cream chain. Similarly, 'The Rise of Dr Pepper' delves into how the soda brand leveraged marketing to climb the ranks against competitors.

Other episodes like 'Organic Social Media | The Key to Modern Marketing' and 'Airbnb reimagined (Part 1)' highlight the evolving role of digital and social media in brand marketing strategies.

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