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Topic: Class struggle

Class struggle refers to the fundamental conflict between the ruling class and the exploited class, which drives the dynamics of capitalism and social change.

More on: Class struggle

The podcast episodes discuss class struggle as a central theme, analyzing it from various historical, political, and economic perspectives.

Several episodes examine the concept of class struggle in the context of labor movements, such as the rise and decline of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) What Was the CIO?, the efforts of the Trade Union Educational League (TUEL) to combat class collaborationism Labor Militants: The Trade Union Educational League (TUEL), and the ongoing strike by the United Auto Workers (UAW) Workers Fighting Back: The UAW Goes on Strike!.

Other episodes delve into the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of class struggle, such as Slavoj Žižek's critique of global capitalism Episode #199 ... A conservative communist's take on global capitalism and desire. (Zizek, Marx, Lacan), the role of Marxist theory and the vanguard party Minoritarian Rule: SCOTUS' Assault on the American People, and the relevance of Louis Althusser's structuralist Marxism Louis Althusser: Marxist Theory and Philosophy.

The episodes also explore the historical context of class struggle, including the French Revolution The French Revolution, Part 1 of 2 and the Chinese Revolution Mao Zedong and the Chinese Revolution.

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