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Topic: Radicalism

Radicalism describes a political or social movement that seeks to fundamentally transform or overthrow existing structures and systems.

More on: Radicalism

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of radicalism, including the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), a radical left-wing group in the 1970s, and the radical ideologies and tactics of the Civil Rights Movement.

The episodes delve into the motivations, planning, and actions of these radical groups, as well as the sociopolitical contexts that gave rise to their beliefs and activities. They challenge the sanitized historical narratives surrounding figures like Rosa Parks and highlight the collective efforts and militant philosophies that fueled the broader movements.

The episodes also examine how radical voices and perspectives have been marginalized or whitewashed in mainstream historical accounts, emphasizing the importance of recovering these narratives to better understand the complex, nuanced nature of social and political change.

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