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Topic: Congressional-oversight

Congressional oversight refers to the power and responsibility of the United States Congress to monitor and oversee the activities of the executive branch and its agencies.

More on: Congressional-oversight

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of topics related to congressional oversight, including oversight of the executive branch, government agencies, and major corporations.

The episodes discuss how Congress uses various mechanisms such as hearings, subpoenas, contempt of Congress, and investigations to exercise oversight and hold the administration and other entities accountable. Examples include oversight of the Department of Justice Garland in Contempt, the Biden administration's handling of classified documents No Fans Of Hur On The Hill, and corporate issues like the Boeing 737 Max scandal The unprecedented health-care hack that may affect you.

The episodes also explore tensions between the legislative and executive branches over access to information and the limits of congressional power, as seen in the discussions around executive privilege The CFPB Survives and the use of inherent contempt Garland in Contempt.

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