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Topic: Corporate Investigations

Corporate Investigations involves the in-depth examination of a company's activities, often in response to allegations of misconduct or to gather competitive intelligence.

More on: Corporate Investigations

The podcast episodes provided shed light on the covert operations and investigations into the corporate world, with a focus on the high-stakes world of big tech companies and their competitive strategies.

The first episode 'TNB Tech Minute: U.S. Prosecutors Probe Hacking-for-Hire Operation' discusses a U.S. investigation into a hacking operation targeting major companies, while the second episode 'Amazon's Secret Operation to Gather Intel on Rivals' reveals the details of Amazon's decade-long 'Project Curiosity' where employees posed as sellers on rival platforms to gather intelligence on competitors.

These episodes illustrate the lengths that companies go to in order to gain a competitive advantage, often through questionable or even illegal means, and the investigative efforts required to uncover such corporate secrets.

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