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Topic: COVID-19 misinformation

COVID-19 misinformation refers to the spread of false or misleading information related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which can have significant public health consequences.

More on: COVID-19 misinformation

The podcast episodes discuss the issue of COVID-19 misinformation from various perspectives, including its impact on public discourse, the role of social media platforms and the government, and efforts to combat it.

For example, episode Ep. 106: The Science of Disinformation on Social Media examines how social media analysis companies are mapping the spread of anti-vaccine misinformation and QAnon conspiracies converging with COVID-19 misinformation. Episode 1/26/24: Viewer says it's time to panic, Rogan floats COVID lies addresses and refutes false claims made by Joe Rogan regarding COVID-19 deaths and comorbidities.

The episodes also touch on the broader issue of misinformation and its influence on public trust, political polarization, and the integrity of the democratic process, especially in the context of the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election.

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