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Topic: Creepy stories

Creepy stories are a genre of fiction that aim to unsettle, frighten, and disturb the audience through the use of suspense, the supernatural, and psychological horror.

More on: Creepy stories

The podcast episodes provided focus on the narration and analysis of creepy, horror-themed stories.

In the first episode, 'Missing Posters by Erutious' from the 'MrCreepyPasta's Storytime' podcast, the main focus is on the narration of a creepy story titled 'Missing Posters' by Mr. Creepypasta. Missing Posters by Erutious

The second episode, 'My Wife's Been Peeking At Me Around Corners | Creep Cast' from the 'CreepCast' podcast, revolves around the discussion and analysis of a creepy story titled 'My Wife Has Been Peeking at Me from Around Corners and Behind Furniture. It's Gone from Weird to Terrifying'. My Wife's Been Peeking At Me Around Corners | Creep Cast

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