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Topic: Dealing with adversity

Dealing with adversity requires resilience, a balanced perspective, and the ability to focus on what is within one's control.

More on: Dealing with adversity

The podcast episodes provided explore the theme of dealing with adversity from different perspectives, including biblical stories, philosophical frameworks, and personal experiences.

In the episode 'Keep Digging | Joel Osteen', the message focuses on persevering through challenges and opposition by keeping faith in God's promises, using the biblical story of Isaac digging wells as an example.

The episode 'You Ain't Got Time | 10 Habits That Made Marcus Aurelius Great' examines the stoic approach of Marcus Aurelius to facing difficulties, overcoming intrusive thoughts, and living a virtuous life.

The episode '105: Kathryn Plummer | Team USA & Professional Volleyball Player' covers how the professional volleyball player dealt with challenges and adversity, such as her first year playing professionally in Italy and not making the Olympic team initially.

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