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Topic: Decolonial thought

Decolonial thought challenges dominant Western perspectives and embraces diverse knowledges and experiences to address global challenges.

More on: Decolonial thought

Decolonial thought is a critical perspective that challenges the dominant Western paradigm and seeks to center the voices and experiences of marginalized communities, particularly those in the Global South.

The podcast episodes discuss decolonial approaches in the context of addressing global issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the ecological crisis. For example, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, "From the Pandemic to Utopia: The Future Begins Now" advocates for a paradigm shift towards an equitable relationship between nature and society, drawing on diverse knowledges beyond the Western canon. Similarly, Gavin Van Horn: The practice of kinning as porous beings explores the need to foster kinship with the natural world through embodied practices and a more porous worldview.

These episodes highlight the importance of decolonial thought in understanding and addressing complex global challenges.

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