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Topic: Global North and Global South

The 'Global North and Global South' is a framework that highlights the unequal power dynamics and disproportionate impacts of issues like climate change on less developed countries in the Global South compared to the more industrialized Global North.

More on: Global North and Global South

The podcast episodes explore the disparities and power dynamics between the Global North and Global South, particularly in the context of environmental degradation, climate change, and economic models.

In Episode 56148, Professor Boaventura de Sousa Santos discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the unsustainable exploitation of nature under capitalism, and the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities in the Global South.

Similarly, Episode 56727 examines the concept of 'degrowth' and the need for alternative economic models that account for inequality and environmental degradation, which disproportionately affect the Global South.

Lastly, Episode 54814 explores the legacy of colonialism and imperialism in perpetuating global inequalities, and calls for a radical Green New Deal that challenges neoliberal capitalism and centers the leadership of marginalized communities in the Global South.

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