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Topic: Defense spending

Defense spending refers to the allocation of resources by governments for military purposes, including the acquisition of weapons, equipment, and personnel, as well as research and development in the defense industry.

More on: Defense spending

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of defense spending, including its impact on national security, geopolitical tensions, the military-industrial complex, and the debate around funding levels.

Several episodes, such as The Military Industrial Complexity, Electioncast: The Conservative Manifesto, and Preparing for war: Is Europe getting ready?, delve into the dynamics of defense spending, exploring issues like transparency, waste, and the need for increased or optimized spending.

Other episodes, such as The Shifting World Order and 429. TFR Declassified: Olympic Medalist and Navy SEAL on National Security, Deep Tech, and Taking Commercial Tech to Government Customers (Larsen Jensen), discuss the broader geopolitical and technological implications of defense spending and the role of the military-industrial complex.

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