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Topic: Deplatforming

Deplatforming refers to the practice of removing or restricting access to online platforms, often social media or content hosting sites, for individuals or groups deemed to have violated the platform's terms of service or promoted harmful content.

More on: Deplatforming

The podcast episodes provided discuss the phenomenon of deplatforming, where speakers or content creators are removed or restricted from mainstream platforms like social media, payment processors, or event venues due to their expressed views.

The episodes cover how some groups, such as conservatives, anti-vaccine activists, and religious conservatives, feel they have been deplatformed or sanctioned by mainstream corporations, leading them to seek alternative infrastructure to participate in public discourse. Examples of specific episodes discussing deplatforming include Munk Dialogue with Douglas Murray, Natasha Hausdorff, Mehdi Hasan and Gideon Levy: Looking ahead to the Munk Debate on Anti-Zionism, What is a 'freedom economy'?, Rise of Alternative Media as Corporate Press Implodes, with Glenn Greenwald, Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski, and Entrepreneur Omeed Malik, and #397 - Greg Lukianoff: Cancel Culture, Deplatforming, Censorship & Free Speech.

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