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Topic: DMT Entities

DMT Entities are visionary experiences triggered by the powerful psychedelic compound N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, often described as encounters with non-human intelligences.

More on: DMT Entities

The podcast episodes discuss DMT entities as part of a broader exploration of extraordinary experiences, including UFO phenomena, altered states of consciousness, and the philosophical and metaphysical implications of such phenomena.

For example, in Episode #233, paleontologist-futurist Michael Garfield recounts personal experiences with DMT entities and discusses the potential of psychedelics to expand our understanding of consciousness and reality. Similarly, Episode #232 delves into research on the nature of extraordinary experiences, including the role of 'subtle energy bodies' and interdimensional realms.

These episodes highlight how the topic of DMT entities intersects with a range of related fields, from neuroscience and consciousness studies to astrobiology and the philosophy of mind.

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