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Topic: Economic Cycles

Economic cycles refer to the recurring fluctuations in economic activity, including periods of growth, recession, and recovery, which shape business and investment strategies.

More on: Economic Cycles

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of economic cycles and how they affect businesses, investors, and communities.

Several episodes discuss how companies navigate different phases of the economic cycle, such as acquisitions and industry challenges during downturns Realistic Product Roadmaps and Other Lies | Best Egg's Johnny Ray Austin, Mad Money w/ Jim Cramer 5/21/24, and Ep 447. Tangible Offline vs. Intangible Online: The Revenge of the Old Economy.

Other episodes analyze the impact of economic cycles on individual investors Meet the Fool: Asit Sharma, the venture capital industry Investor Stories 334: Lessons Learned (Wagner, Lyman, Jones), and specific sectors like commercial real estate Commercial Real Estate Trends with Matt Wolf, Health Care Senior Analyst and National Health Care Business Valuation Leader at RSM 5-13-24 and mining How the coming mining boom could upend local health care.

The episodes also explore how economic cycles influence startup ecosystems, investment strategies, and the types of founders that emerge BONUS: Seattle after Techstars, with guest Chris DeVore, Satya Patel and Hunter Walk on learnings from building Homebrew, moving to an evergreen model, and launching Screendoor VC to back underrepresented fund managers, and 20VC: Accel's Sonali De Rycker on Building a Generational Defining Venture Firm; Hiring, Culture, Incentives | Investing; Biggest Mistakes, Biggest Lessons from Prior Crashes, Why Market Size is Dangerous to Focus On | Decision-Making; Type 1 vs Type 2 Ri.

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