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Topic: Economic incentives

Economic incentives are mechanisms designed to influence behavior and encourage desired outcomes through the use of rewards, penalties, or other motivational factors.

More on: Economic incentives

The podcast episodes discuss various ways in which economic incentives are used to promote desired outcomes, such as environmental conservation, technological innovation, and sustainable practices.

For example, the episode Ep. 564: De-extinction: Can We Make a Mammoth, and Why Should We? explores the potential for economic incentives like biodiversity credits and carbon credits to fund and sustain de-extinction and rewilding efforts.

Similarly, the episode Biden hopes sustainable aviation fuel production could take flight soon discusses how the use of government incentives, such as grants and tax credits, can promote the adoption and production of sustainable aviation fuel.

Other episodes, such as Lars Doucet - Progress, Poverty, Georgism, & Why Rent is Too Damn High and How Policy Can Help Create a More Circular Economy with Leonidas Milios, explore how economic incentives, including tax policies and regulations, can be used to address issues like poverty, inequality, and waste reduction.

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