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Topic: Economy

The economy is the system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services that determines a society's overall wealth and prosperity.

More on: Economy

The economy is a central theme across many of the podcast episodes, with discussions covering a wide range of economic indicators, policies, and their impact on various sectors and individuals.

Several episodes, such as Are We Still Heading for a Recession? w/ David Rosenberg, Housing starts drop to a four-year low, and What Will the Supreme Court Rule on Today?, provide in-depth analysis of the current state of the US economy, recession risks, and the potential implications for consumers and businesses.

Other episodes, like In conversation with President Trump, Shut up and listen: The election 'fixer' has some advice for Biden, Macron and Sunak, and Trump Supporters QUIT ON HIM and LEAVE THE GOP, examine the economic policies and performance under different administrations, and how they influence voter sentiment and political outcomes.

The episodes also touch on broader economic themes, such as the impact of inflation, interest rates, and global trade on the US and international economies, as well as the role of government policies, central banks, and technological advancements in shaping economic trends.

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