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Topic: Environmental History

Environmental History examines how human societies have interacted with and shaped the natural world over time.

More on: Environmental History

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of topics within the field of environmental history, from the role of locusts in shaping the modern Middle East Samuel Dolbee, "Locusts of Power: Borders, Empire, and Environment in the Modern Middle East" to the environmental transformations of Patagonia brought about by commercial hunting and sheep ranching John Soluri, "Creatures of Fashion: Animals, Global Markets, and the Transformation of Patagonia".

The episodes also examine the environmental dimensions of remaking urban spaces, such as the remaking of Los Angeles beaches in the mid-20th century Elsa Devienne, "Sand Rush: The Revival of the Beach in Twentieth-Century Los Angeles", and the history of squirrel introduction and management in American cities 352- Uptown Squirrel [update].

Additionally, the episodes cover the environmental history of capitalism and economic systems, the relationships between humans and non-human animals, and the intersections of environmental history with other fields like politics, culture, and social justice.

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