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Topic: Eternal Rewards

Eternal Rewards are the divine honors and eternal benefits believers will receive in heaven for their faithful service and sacrifices on earth.

More on: Eternal Rewards

The podcast episodes discussed explore the concept of Eternal Rewards, which are the eternal honors and roles bestowed by God upon those who have wholeheartedly committed their lives to serving Him despite facing earthly trials and sacrifices.

This includes the parable of the vineyard workers The Vineyard Workers, where the landowner pays all workers the same wage regardless of their start time, emphasizing God's sovereign grace and prerogative in salvation rather than human-based spiritual merit. The episodes also discuss how our God-given SHAPE (Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences) should be dedicated to God's purposes, as this will determine our eternal roles and rewards Why God Shaped You the Way He Did - Part 2.

The podcasts further highlight the need to intentionally strive for excellence and endure hardship in our earthly lives, as this 'wins the prize' of eternal life and rewards Daring to Give God My Best - Part 1. Ultimately, the episodes convey that maintaining faith during trials and relying on God's goodness and love will lead to the greatest eternal rewards Daring to Believe - Part 3.

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