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Topic: Ethnographic Research

Ethnographic research is a qualitative research method that involves in-depth observation and study of a group of people and their interactions within a specific cultural context.

More on: Ethnographic Research

The podcast episodes highlight the value and importance of ethnographic research in understanding complex environmental and social issues.

Several episodes feature scholars who have conducted extensive ethnographic fieldwork to explore topics such as waste management challenges in India India's Waste Problem: A Discussion with Pamela Das, the impacts of the Fukushima nuclear disaster on fishing communities Fukushima Futures: Survival Stories in a Repeatedly Ruined Seascape, and the aftermath of armed conflict on human-nature relationships in Colombia When Forests Run Amok: War and Its Afterlives in Indigenous and Afro-Colombian Territories.

The ethnographic approach allows these researchers to gain nuanced, contextualized understandings of the issues they study, highlighting the lived experiences and perspectives of local communities.

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